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食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30] (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma, #30) QUOTES

5 " Ah, there is pâté on the inside!"
I see! By wrapping the exterior with thin slices of beef...
... he was able to make his presentation look like a cartoony leg of meat.
The meat wrapped around the exterior is marinated strips of beef! Their richly fragrant scent yet light and almost fruity juices pack a knockout wallop! Directly underneath them is a layer of bacon slices! Not only do they serve to hold the pâté firmly in place...

The impact of all that powerful protein in one bite reverberates through my entire body!"
"By the way, for the base of my marinade...
... I used Yakiniku Sauce Even store-bought Yakiniku Sauce has a great balance of soy sauce, mirin, garlic and ginger. It makes a good, solid base for the marinade!
I took that and adjusted it with some honey, grated onion and freshly squeezed orange juice so it would pair better with the pâté... before asking Nakiri to taste test it to ensure it came together properly."
"The pâté in the middle is the most spectacular part of all! Full-bodied yet delicate, it matches beautifully with the aromatic layer of meat. Each bite sparks an explosion of powerful flavor in the mouth!"
Using a base of chicken liver, he added chicken breast and cream along with carrots and Shimeji mushrooms. But what really stands out is the preparation of each individual ingredient!
Confit. Grill. Braiser. Suer. Each piece was prepared in the way best suited to its strengths...
... teasing out its natural sweetness and ratcheting up the dish's overall goodness!

, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30] (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma, #30)

6 " Look at all the beautiful, delicate layers! It's a perfect mille-feuille!
"Heh. I call it...
...Mushroom Mille-Feuille with Duxelles Filling.
Eat up!"
The exciting flavors of multiple kinds of mushrooms meld together with the crispy, ultrathin layers of piecrust in a moist and magical harmony!

"The main ingredient Rindo Kobayashi chose was shiitake mushrooms! She used olive oil to cook them into a confit, trapping and magnifying their natural umami flavor!"
Wait... this tang!
"Aah. Champignon mushrooms and shallots, sautéed to a golden brown in garlic and butter and then simmered to a paste in broth. Cracked nuts and heavy cream were blended in to make a Duxelles, which she then sandwiched between the Mille-Feuille layers.
*Duxelles is a mushroom paste often used as a base for fillings or sauces.*
A perfectly balanced tart note makes the salty savoriness of the confit stand out...
... while allowing the mellow sweetness of the shiitake to linger on the tongue!
Though I can't put my finger on what this sour flavor is from. What is it?"
I extracted formic acid from ants and mixed it into my Duxelles!"
Too much formic acid is poisonous, of course. But in small amounts it can be a wonderful culinary accent. It has no extraneous sweetness, just a sharp, invigoratingly tart tang.

"Not only that, if you add it to a sweet base, it can create deeper, more nuanced flavors than the more commonly used citrus fruits. "

, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30] (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma, #30)

8 " But the one piece of this dish that plays the biggest role of all... is this wrapping around the chicken breast... the Croûte!"

A base of bread or pie dough seasoned with savory spices, croûte can refer either to the dough itself or a dish wrapped in it. It's a handy addition that can boost the aroma, textures and presentation of a dish without overpowering its distinctive flavors!
"You are correct. Therein lies the greatest secret of my dish.
Given the sudden measurements to the original plan and my need to create an entirely different dish...
... the Croûte I had intended to use to wrap the chicken breast required two very specific additions.
Those two ingredients were...
"Yes! Squid legs and peanut butter! Appetizer and main dish! There is no greater tie that could bind our two dishes together!"
Peanut butter's mild richness adds subtle depth to the natural body of the chicken, making it an excellent secret seasoning. And the moderately salty bitterness of the squid legs is extremely effective in tying the Croûte's flavor together with the meaty juiciness of the chicken!
"Even an abominable mash-up that Yukihira has tinkered with for ages...
... can be transformed into elegant gourmet beauty when put in my capable hands.
The Jidori chicken breasts and the squid and peanut butter Croûte... those are the two pillars of my dish! To support them, I revised all the seasonings for the sauces and garnishes...
... so that after you tasted Soma Yukihira's dish...
... the deliciousness of my own dish would ring across your tongues as powerfully as possible!

, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30] (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma, #30)